Tour of Solar Homes in Armidale

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Sun RiseIf you have any photos of your home solar project you would like displayed here, or a link added to your own web-page with details of your project, please contact us.
We will keep the information displayed here as anonymous as possible. For the tour guide (see example below), we will need a pseudonym for your project, and a brief description (a couple of lines). For the main page describing the project, we would just need a photo or two, and about half a page or so of details.

Title Brief Description
"Minimbah" Demonstration rooftop solar collector supplied by Sustainable Ingenuity to the Minimbah Primary School.
"Wright Village Flat" Another solar heater from Sustainable Ingenuity, featuring a thermal storage unit using "phase-change" material.

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Solar Heating | Energy Efficiency | Renewable Energy | Solar Retrofit

Page created on Thursday, 9 August 2001.

Created by  Solar Armidale Project.